No matter the next trend or feature update, this is the only practical, social media growth program you'll ever need


You didn't start a business to scroll the internet for hours of your precious time.

You started a business to create a life for yourself. Let’s get back to THAT.

Social media has shown us who it is and it's time to take back our power, be true to ourselves, get a grip and get back in the game.



Calling founders, biz owners, freelancers and companies of one, no matter your area or discipline…

if you want to effectively and strategically achieve your business goals using social media, The Good Grow™ Pro is for you.


What is it?

A two-part program to help you boost your business AND your self-esteem. It’s an effective, digestible live training for people like you who want and need to turn their social media into a business asset so they can reach more people, secure more sales and make a bigger impact.


If I had a pound for every time someone asked me to share my approach to social media - I would be writing this from my own private Island in a Chanel bikini!


I get quizzed about things like…

  • How did you go from just starting out to getting to the first big 10k milestone?
  • ​How do you always know exactly what to say?
  • ​How do you handle the algorithm? You seem to pop up all over my feed all the time.
  • ​How do you manage to convert followers into paying (and returning) customers?
  • ​How did you get booked by Bumble, The BBC and other big brands, and featured in mainstream press?


I have a trend-neutral strategy that keeps on working, and once a year I open my doors and personally teach it.


Welcome to


Have a question about joining the class of 2023?

 WhatsApp me on 07921 144423 and I’ll personally come back to you.


The steps to your success:



  • ​What you focus on expands. We start by identifying your own measures of success and creating your strategic content plan to achieve it. (I’ll walk you through my specific IG 90 day timing Plan!)

  • ​We will also complete a rigorous ‘flight check’ so you are clear on the role each feature plays in your growth plan. We’ll cover these areas and more to ensure you’ve got strong foundations upon which to build. 

  •  You’ll be given a 30 day content plan, proven to x5 your reach



  • ​​Whether you are starting out selling your art or you need to find more clients for your consultancy, you need to be consciously and continuously seeding the right kind of content to build a bigger picture of what you can do.

  • Knowledge nuggets – done for you research template to canvas your clients and guarantee your content is a match 

  • ​I’ll walk you through my 3 step process to attract attention and open the doors that create significant, special business leaps.

  • ​I’ll also reveal the ‘watch outs’ of building a brand ethically online right now - it’s important to be aware so you can navigate this with ease and integrity.



  • We’ll cover how to bring more of YOU to your feeds. What to say and show, and just how much so you get the balance just right.

  • Achieve your reliable rhythm. You’ll learn to integrate and implement easy ways of being present without having to constantly be online. It’s all about getting into a state of flow so your business can thrive effortlessly.

  • I’ll personally coach you to show up more fully and reap the rewards for your business. 

  • Create deep, continuing connections with your audience by consciously and continuously seeding the right kind of content to build a bigger picture of what you can do.




  • ​​​​​I see too many gifted people (just like you!) not using what they have already to make the impact they want to within their businesses. In this module, I’ll show you how to do just that.

  • It’s not rocket science but there IS a formula. I’ll walk you through how to arrive at your own style of automatic and natural self-promotion so you can see the tangible results in your inbox and sales reports.

  • I'll lift the lid on my own launching secrets, honed over 5 years. 



  • ​​​​​Collaborations, takeovers and prestigious media coverage - we are taking you mainstream, babes!

  • ​Learn to be seen as an expert even if you’re starting out or you don’t feel ready. (Imposter syndrome… what’s that?!)​

  • Here I’ll teach you how to play bigger and take up space without worrying about what other people think.

  • ​I’ll reveal how to amplify your business, your message and you, by pitching to the mainstream press - you're about to become a PR whizz!



  • ​​​​Too many programs finish abruptly. Not mine, babes!

  • Finally, it’s time to ensure that your success is set up to last. We’ll cover how to continue your growth while staying in your own lane, so that you can feel fully fulfilled.

  • Absolutely oozing with even more of my BSE, I'll hold your hand and ​We’ll work out your next steps so you can take massive action and follow through with your social media growth goals!



Best in Class handpicked tutorials



Ruthie Walmsley

Analytics. Explained

Unravel the mysteries of data and harness its power. We’ll unlock the hidden patterns, decipher key metrics, and make informed decisions to fuel your business's success. With Ruthie’s warmth and guidance, this data-driven adventure will transform the way you perceive and utilise your social analytics.





Benny Young

Shine YOUR light and capture it. Benny will be sharing all his secrets as a former model turned motivational speaker, presenting a posing and confidence workshop so your can ALWAYS get the shot.




LinkedIn In sorted

This is THE social media channel of business, and yet, it’s underused and misunderstood by so many of us. I’ll walk you through how to use LinkedIn today to maximise your reach and open up new sales and opportunities for yourself and your sales. And do this in a way which fits around your busy day 


Self-image for social media

Let’s delve deep into the art of self-empowerment and authenticity in the digital realm. Discover how to cultivate self-compassion while projecting genuine confidence, enabling you to showcase your unique brand identity with irresistible allure. Get ready for MCE. Your way


Using AI authentically

In a world where AI is often misused or viewed as a shortcut, it’s natural to have concerns. This workshop is designed to dispel any doubts and show you how to harness the full potential of AI as a productivity tool without compromising your unique personality. I’ll show you how to streamline your business processes, enhance customer experiences, and unlock new levels of success 


The Good Grower content kit and caboodle

Are you still shopping list of all the bits you need to elevate your content and make it even easier to produce it and enjoy the process





Ready to watch!

This cutting edge, exclusive workshop on “How to create and keep your edge on Insta”

Brock is one of the most knowledgeable, kind and brilliant online teachers around today. And he’s in YOUR corner with this ready to watch workshop

Can you imagine:

  • No more overwhelm,  procrastination or confusion. Instead, a clear vision of what you want to build and clarity around the steps you need to take to get there.

  • No more feeling isolated as a Company of One or founder, but rubbing shoulders with like-minded and lovely people, as you learn.

  • No more trying to keep up with trends. Instead, figuring out your own rhythm and style that never fails to achieve what you set out to on social.​

  • No more overthinking what you say or post. Instead, speaking from the heart and always delivering value without exception. Just what your followers want!

  • ​No more confidence wobbles and worries about being ‘salesy’. Instead, natural self-promotion that makes your message, products or offering irresistible.

  • ​No more waiting and hoping to be noticed. Instead, connecting with an influential network that will open doors for you.​

  • ​No more waiting to reach a certain number count before achieving your Insta-dreams. Instead, doing it right now and reaping the rewards from TODAY.

Get ready to Go Pro… and more!


Join the Live class of 2023










If you bring your intention…

I’ll bring the strategy

I’ll join your team and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you to help you achieve YOUR goals.

It’s time to quit comparing your progress to others and step into the next phase of YOUR growth and expansion online.

It all starts with this decision.


People like you that have taken part in previous years:


This is the best course I’ve ever done - I’ve been able to leave my job
- Dani


I used to feel unsure of what to post and didn’t have direction. Now I feel motivated and inspired and I got my 10k milestone! I have such a healthy relationship with Insta now. I’ve also used the teaching with a product account!
- Jenna


How we roll

We kick things off on Tuesday 8th of November. Part one of the  program will run on a mix of Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Part two is go in January with the Best in Class live sessions

This is a lifetime purchase, so your access will not expire at the end of the program and you won’t run out of time to complete the course - that's not how I do things round here.



The Comparison Coach.

The Good Grow PRO takes a mindset and performance coaching approach to deliver a comprehensive social media growth program, making it completely unique to anything else available on the market today.

Plus, because I’m committed to getting you real results fast, you can expect no time sucks, no jargon, no guesswork and definitely no hustle.

Sustainable success is not just what you do but how you think, so I take care of your mind and your soul as well as your intellect. There’s no use having your cutting edge content strategy (achieved in module 1!) and then not having the confidence to show up and deliver it, so rest assured we’ll be working on that too!


When it comes to mastering a message, as well as building and owning an online presence - I know my stuff. I have used these specific strategies to grow mine AND my clients’ businesses and our work into the mainstream.

Each and every time I open The Good Grow™ doors, the content is interrogated and rigorously updated before it is added to the syllabus. I’m not wheeling out tired teachings that only applied to the time of likes and flat images on the grid. (That belongs to pre 2018 and should stay there!)

Whether you’re just starting out and are ready to start taking it seriously, or you have the blue tick but you know you’re missing a piece of your puzzle, I promise that the answer lies inside of this program, whether you're busy, a beginner or have fallen out of love with social media.

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I got book deal! And I KNOW my Instagram played a role in that. I needed focus and clarity and I received them in bucketloads - it’s a step by step process and Lucy leads with kindness all the way.
- Katy


My following has grown by more than 2000 but, for me, it’s been about more than growing Instagram. I soaked up every syllable and I’m still using the knowledge now - I found ALL of the course useful. I’ve had big results but I feel more centred and aligned with my purpose
- Cara

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How is The Good Grow™ Pro delivered?


Live taught workshops

The backbone of the course are the 6 live weekly workshops (replay and transcriptions available within 24 hours) for real-time application as well as on the go learning that you can revisit at any time.


Templates & itemised checklists

Fill in questionnaires, pre-prepared done-for-you templates and action plans to customise and use. No more wondering what to do next or fumbling your way through - you’ll be ready to go.


A private Good Grow™ Community

A private and exclusive password-protected members area as well as a fun Facebook group. Be surrounded by like-minded people, and benefit from the ‘hive mind’.


Motivation & momentum tools

Meditations, visualisations and audio downloads to boost your mindset, keep you motivated, protect your energy and stay in creative flow so you can go the distance and sustain the results you seek.


Have a question about joining the class of 2023?

 WhatsApp me on 07921 144423 and I’ll personally come back to you.

The Good Grow Pro is perfect for you now if…

  • ​You’re ready to step up and commit to backing yourself, but you need a guiding hand and support to help you make it happen.

  • You’re ready to finally establish a credible and magnetic presence - stop dabbling, fumbling and playing at social media.

  • ​You want to establish your specialist subject and take your place as an authority and trusted voice but you’re not sure of your best next steps.

  • ​You are craving a potent and productive approach to social media so you can reach your people, and connect with the right influencers and gatekeepers.

  • ​You don’t have the time to learn photoshop, do photoshoots, write ten posts a day or pre-plan Reels weeks in advance, but you do need to be posting authentic, attractive content regularly to maximise all the features of social media.


About your teacher

Accredited by the Association for the Psychological Therapies, named as one of the New Wellbeing Specialists by The ST Style and praised as one of the UK’s most successful coaches by The Times. Lucy Sheridan's work has been featured in global outlets such as Psychology Today, Forbes and Google Labs.

As the world’s first and only comparison coach, through her private practice and workshops, she's helped thousands of people go from compare and despair to #comparisonfree.


It’s Mic Drop bonus time

For my Class of 2023 here’s what’s now included for first time guests who join before Tuesday at 10pm.


Your FREE profile audit

As you grow your social media as a business asset you’ll have a channel that will lead the charge. Perhaps it’s Instagram, LinkedIn or even a Facebook Group that will be the one that starts to feed the growth of the others going higher and higher for you.

When you join me for this live round, as part of your program I’ll personally audit your channel of choice and share my specific recommendations based on your business, your goals and your personality.

This won’t be scrappy notes - I’ll record you a video containing a thorough, itemised review of what can make your presence even more effective.

That sounds invaluable. It is. 

Join now.

LIVE In-person content fiesta

Brand new for this year! Choose from a location of Leeds or London and join me live with some special guests for a day of connection and content in early March 2024.

We’ll start with my presentation on trend spotting and spilling the ‘leaks’ from the social media powers-that-be so you can stay ahead of the game and pre-empt the trends that are coming down the pipe in 2024. I’ll pull from my career in brand strategy to point out what these mean for YOU and businesses like ours.

Then we’ll mingle and mastermind together while you get new professional headshots taken, as well as capture main feed and b-roll content for you with these incredible cities as your backdrop.

Like… Lucy, really?!

I'm in

 I’ll be online today and over the weekend if you still have questions about joining this brilliant program - my number again is 07921 144423.


I understand the power of social media.

I know what The Good Grow™ Pro can do for you, your business and your life. Take a look below at the two ways to join this 2023 round, and choose the payment plan that fits you best. 

These terms apply


Join the Good Grow Pro


  • Private session with Lucy (time sensitive!)
  • The 6 live content sessions
  • The 6 Best in class workshops
  • Live and pre-recorded Q&A sessions for us
  • Brock Johnson exclusive workshop recorded live May 2023
  • ​Lifetime access
  • A ride again guest pass for the next live round
  • Barrels of BSE on tap 
Pay in Full £1,997
Pay in full - £1,997.00
Pay in 2 - 2 x £999.00
Pay in 3 - 3 x £666.00
Pay in 6 - 6 x £333.00
Pay in 9 - 9 x £222.00
Pay in 12 - 12 x £166.50

 But wait... there's more!

If you choose to pay in full, you get these extra bonuses:

  • Instagram strategy lunch at chez Lucy with Lucy and Ruthie. (Choose from Fri 12th Jan, Fri 16th Feb, Sat 2nd March and 15th March!)

  • Delivering excellence workshop

  • Define your soul goal meditation

Pay in Full £1,997

It’s normal to have questions…

If you can’t find your question below - send me a WhatsApp message on 07442 613128


Still have questions or need more info to decide if The Good Grow is right for you?

WhatsApp my phone on 07442 613128
or email me directly at [email protected] and I'll be happy to help!

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Dani Bello


Not only is Lucy is a powerhouse of Instagram knowledge and passion, but she will also tell you everything you need with total kindness and encouragement. She has helped me find my community who are now my client base, which has transformed my business.


Even though it’s not about ‘the numbers’ my community grew from 2500 - to over 6000 within three months and this year I am on my way to 12k! I often receive enquiries via my DMs and I’ve met some amazing pals too! Lucy’s tools are nuggets of gold and I know I wouldn’t have seen such growth without her input! With her help, I have also secured national mainstream press and even been invited on Good Morning Britain - all thanks to what she taught me about the perfect approach.



Lucy Sheridan | Copyright ©2023 | All Rights Reserved

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